Tarar says cabinet yet to consider over constitutional amendment draft


ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister of Law Azam Nazir Tarar has said on Monday that the draft on constitutional amendment is still to be presented in the cabinet.


“It is our duty to present the law and opposition’s job to critically discuss and analyze it,” federal law minister said while talking in the house and having discussion on a set of constitutional amendments.


Law minister said he will also table 90 amendments in the criminal procedure code. “I challenge Asad Qaiser, I will be responsible if any bar council rejects this bill,” Tarar added.


He revealed that more than 61,000 cases have been pending in court, provide timely justice to plaintiff. “The Commission has been empowered to regulate the high courts,” he said.


“Showing the door to a judge who doesn’t perform his duty, is it against the freedom of judiciary?” he questioned.


He also added that we are striving to come to a consensus on constitutional package.


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