Teen Prodigy Robinson Edges Shiffrin In World Cup Opener


Sölden, Austria, Oct 26 (AFP/APP): New Zealand’s 17-year-old Alice Robinson pipped reigning champion Mikaela Shiffrin on Saturday to win the women’s giant slalom in Soelden, the opening race of the skiing World Cup season.

Rising star Robinson was second in Austria after the first run, 0.14sec behind Shiffrin, but was faster than the American in the second run to finish 0.06sec ahead and secure the first World Cup win of her young career.

It was her second podium finish after her second place in Andorra in March, which came weeks after she took giant slalom gold at February’s World Junior Championships. “I’m pretty shocked,” Robinson told Eurosport immediately after the victory. “Super happy! Super excited!”

Robinson was only 14th fastest in the second run but was quicker than Shiffrin and completed the two runs down the Rettenbach glacier in a provisional time of 2min 17.36sec.

“I was a bit nervous in the second run but I held it together,” Robinson added after winning on a mild autumn afternoon. “I liked the slope. It was super warm.”

French skier Tessa Worley, sixth on the first run, grabbed a place on the podium with her second run finishing with a two-run total 0.36sec slower than Robinson.

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