Texas: Eight killed after crowd surge at Astroworld music festival


Texas: Eight people have been reported dead and numerous have been hurt after a crowd surge on the opening night of the Astroworld music festival.

According to emergency officials, the crowd grew wild and pressed towards the stage when famous rapper, Travis Scott made his appearance, this caused a great deal of panic to break out. Eight people lost their lives and eleven were taken to the hospital. According to reporters, the dead included children aged as young as 10. About 50,000 people attended the festival, which has now been cancelled due to the unexpected unrest.

 The county judge of Harris County, Lina Hidalgo expressed her sorrow upon this unfortunate event and dubbed it as an “extremely tragic night”. “We are heartbroken,” she stated. “People attend such events to have a good time, have some fun and relax, this isn’t the type of event in which one would expect casualties.” Astroworld also expressed their regret and stated that they feel for the bereaved families.

The event began at about 21:15 on Friday (02:15 GMT Saturday), Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña explained the situation. She said that a crowd of people began pressing towards and stage and this resulted in an unrest and people began to panic.

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