“The Arson”


There was chaos everywhere, people coughing, children crying while the security was helping the residents escort out. Smoke had filled the hallways of Etowah Apartments. Almost twenty years after the fire in Berlin Care, the case for which still remained unsolved there was another fire in Etowah Apartments on the same day but people had already forgotten about it. Except those who suffered and lost their loved ones.

Instantly, smoke filled his lungs as he looked around he saw smoke, from a fire. Chaos everywhere had made it harder for him to find out what was going on.

Alvin was sitting on the couch in his apartment in Etowah Apartments. He was spending a free evening as he finished his work early at his law firm, thinking about the past, that day in specific. Until, he heard people screaming and calling for help from the floor above his, followed by footsteps coming closer and fading away as they made their way up. He was curious so he made his way out his apartment door. Instantly, smoke filled his lungs as he looked around he saw smoke, from a fire. Chaos everywhere had made it harder for him to find out what was going on. Figuring it was a fire and, without wasting a second he rushed to his room and glanced at his packed suitcase by his bed. Alvin quickly took the suitcase and ran out his room before sliding his phone in the back pocket of his jeans and grabbing his backpack which contained his files for the cases he was working on.

Making his way almost to the end of the corridor he took a last glance at it and saw security helping a family out the broken elevator while a child was sitting on the floor with his head in his knees, crying. It gave him a flashback 20 years ago he was in the same position but no one helped him, no one cared. He came out of his thoughts, time was running out, he had to do something and help the kid. Alvin ran to kid told him to get on his shoulders, the boy lifted his face which was stained with tears. He gave him a confused look, Alvin had to save him and there was no time to waste so he managed to carry the boy in his arms while he rushed out the burning apartment which was almost about to blow up.

It felt too odd to be real exactly 20 years later, was it the same person? What did he want from Leo’s parents? Did he know he lived there? All these questions he had to find an answer to.

They were finally out now and safe. Alvin caught his breath and looked at the boy. “What’s your name little one?”, he asked as the boy replied with “My parents are gone”, barely a whisper. The words broke Alvin’s heart. “It’s okay you’re safe, now please tell me your name I’m here with you”, Alvin replied after a pause. “Leo”, the little boy said who was hardly 7 years old. Exactly how old Alvin was when his parents died in the Berlin Care fire. He had only his uncles support after the death of the only two people he had. It felt too odd to be real exactly 20 years later, was it the same person? What did he want from Leo’s parents? Did he know he lived there? All these questions he had to find an answer to.


Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates on “The Arsen”.

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