Drama Fever & Women


Housewives usually have their plate full, always managing something or the other.

Despite their hectic routine, it is so monotonous that they need something in which their mind can get engaged. Otherwise, even if physically there is so much that they’re doing, their minds become rusty and no intellectual conversations appeal to them anymore. Combine with that the struggle of having an emotional void that comes with no adult to talk to who can relate to what they’re going through.

[bs-quote quote=”Even if physically there is so much that they’re doing, their minds become rusty and no intellectual conversations appeal to them anymore. Combine that with the struggle of having an emotional void which comes with no adult to talk to, who can relate, to what they are going through.” style=”style-13″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Sarah Ahmad Uqaili ” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV”][/bs-quote]

In such circumstances, they keep trying to look for things that can keep their mind busy and fresh. But unfortunately, what the majority of housewives find themselves in is watching different dramas on television. Of course someone can argue that dramas keep you engaged in a way that you don’t feel too bored and are able to fulfill other responsibilities simultaneously as well. But it is worth thinking if really watching dramas is the solution.

Self-Esteem in Women

Firstly, starting to watch one drama and then another and then another leads to something that I call the Drama Fever. This means that then you want to follow each and every drama of every channel and want to know exactly what goes on in which episode. This leads to a strange obsession and becomes counterproductive most of the time.

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Secondly, other than a very few exceptions, the drama storylines revolve around depressing characters, impossible expectations and complicated relationships. Instead of providing a positive energy, they give negative energy to the person watching instead. That’s the last thing that housewives need in their lives. The whole purpose of resorting to an activity was to keep their minds fresh and positive.

[bs-quote quote=”Drama Fever means that you want to follow each and every drama of every channel and want to know exactly what goes on in which episode. This may lead to a strange obsession and become counterproductive most of the time.” style=”style-13″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Sarah Ahmad Uqaili ” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV “][/bs-quote]

How do you think we can omit this drama fever from our society? In what ways can you think housewives can spend their time in a more productive way instead?

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Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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