The European Union has become Pakistan’s largest trading partner

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A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held under the chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada.

In response to a question from Senator Fida Mohammad, the Commerce Secretary told the Standing Committee on Commerce that Pakistan’s exports have not been adversely affected due to being on the gray list. The issue of trade has been resolved – an agreement has been reached with Iran regarding trade in goods – he said that barter trade with Iran will start in a month.

A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Trade was held at Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada. Has become a partner – Pakistan’s exports to PORP have reached 9 9 billion, which is a good thing for Pakistan.

The trade adviser told the committee that the EU was satisfied with the implementation of the GSP Plus terms – Pakistan had complied with most of the 27 conventions – and demanded that child labor in Europe meet issues such as forced labor. It is in the interest of Pakistan-Pakistan to object to EU execution and some other laws-EU says you should increase your exports to EU but exports to EU have not increased as they should have He said that it was the weakness of Pakistani exporters that they could not increase exports.

Asked by the chairman of the committee, Abdul Razzaq Dawood said that under GSP Plus, 66% of Pakistan’s tariff lines are on zero duties. EU exports increase by 47%, he said, adding that trade with the EU is in Pakistan’s interest.

More detailed discussion on GSP Plus status and briefing by Pakistan Cotton Standards Institute has been postponed till the next meeting. The role of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce in passing the law was also appreciated. Senator Fida Mohammad, Senator Saleem Mandviwala besides Trade Adviser Abdul Razzaq Dawood, Secretary Commerce, Additional Secretary and officials of Pakistan Cotton Standards Institute attended the committee meeting.

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