The events of the prophets in the Qur’an are a beacon for believers: Allama Haqqani & Allama Mousavi

Lahore: “The events of the Prophets (AS) in the Qur’an are a beacon for the believers”, was the focus of the scholarly discourse of Allama Haqqani and Allama Mousavi in Baaghi TV’s Rehmat Hee Rehmat ramadan transmission, powered by Q-Mobile.

Even today, in the Ramadan broadcast of Baaghi TV, Rehmat Hee Rehmat, powered by Q-Mobile, the scholars have given great guidance to the listeners through their scholarly discourses on the important topics of the Qur’an. Allama Haqqani said that the thirteenth para also begins with Surah Yusuf. When Hazrat Yusuf (AS) was released from prison, the king included Yusuf (AS) among his close companions, and he initially held the post of Minister of Finance and later as ruler of Egypt.

Allama Abdul Shakoor Haqqani said that Hazrat Yusuf (AS) ran the agricultural system with great care and made excellent plans for the future in seven years of prosperity. Even when the famine became common all over the world, Egypt’s economy was very strong and stable. When the famine reached its peak, caravans from all over the world began arriving in Egypt to obtain grain. Hazrat Yaqub (AS)’s sons also went to Egypt. When they entered the palace, Hazrat Yusuf (AS) recognized his brothers while, the brothers were unaware of him. He said to his brothers, “Bring your younger brother Bin Yamin with you next time. If you do not bring your younger brother, you will not get anything from the grain. He also returned the money to buy the grain and put it in his brothers’ luggage.

When Hazrat Yusuf (AS)’s brother came to Hazrat Yaqub (AS), they praised the Misr [ruler] of Egypt very much, and at the same time said that Aziz Misr wanted us to take our brother Bin Yamin with us next time. Hazrat Yaqub (AS) replied, “Shall I trust you as I trusted you before in the case of Yusuf (AS)?” At this Yaqub (AS)’s sons became silent. When the goods were opened, grain as well as capital was recovered from it. On this, the sons of Yaqub (AS) said, “Look Baba, Aziz Egypt has given us our capital.” Hazrat Yaqub (AS) said, “I will send Bin Yamin with you if you swear to protect him.” When the sons took the oath before their father, Yaqub (AS), the Prophet of his time, advised his sons to enter Egypt separately through the gates when it came time to enter.

When Yusuf (AS)’s brothers came to him again, Hazrat Yusuf (AS) took Bin Yamin aside and said to him, “I am your brother Yusuf.” Then Yusuf placed his cup in the luggage of Bin Yamin. When the time came for the caravan to leave, it was announced that their is a thief in the caravan. The sons of Yaqub (AS) replied, “By Allah, we have not come to spread corruption in the land, nor are we thieves.” They were told, “What will be the punishment if the king’s cup is found in one of your luggage?” In reply, the brothers of Yusuf (AS) said, “His punishment is that whoever is guilty will be responsible for his own deeds.” When the luggage was searched, a cup was found in Bin Yamin’s luggage.

The brothers reacted very strangely on this occasion and said that if Bin Yamin had stolen, then his brother Yusuf (AS) had also stolen before. Upon this, Hazrat Yusuf (AS) said, “Allah is well aware of the truth of what you are accusing.” Yusuf (AS)’s brothers also said, “Take one of us brothers.” However, Hazrat Yusuf (AS) said, “God forbid, how can we catch another instead of a criminal?” One of Yusuf (AS)’s brothers said, “I will not go back until Baba Yaqub gives me permission or Allah Almighty decides in my favor.”

Hazrat Yusuf (AS)’s brother came to Hazrat Yaqub (AS) and informed him of the arrest of Mr. Bin Yamin. Yaqub (AS) called out Hazrat Yusuf (AS)’s name aloud and he cried so loudly that his eyesight also deteriorated. Yacob (AS) advised his sons not to despair of Allah’s mercy, and to seek Yusuf (AS) and his brother.

Now some of Hazrat Yusuf (AS)’s brothers came back to Egypt, as their situation had changed. Poverty and misery had badly affected them so, they came to Yusuf (AS) and complained about their poverty and asked for charity. Hazrat Yusuf (AS) asked, “Did you forget what you did to your brother Yusuf?” The brothers said, “How do you know Yusuf?” Are you Yusuf?” He said: “I am Yusuf (AS) and this is my brother. Allah has been gracious to us. Indeed, whoever adopts patience and piety, then Allah does not waste the reward of the doers of good.”

On this occasion Yusuf (AS)’s brothers were very ashamed and they apologized to him. Hazrat Yusuf (AS) said, “You will not be blamed and may Allah forgive you.” Yusuf (AS) took off his shirt and gave it to his brothers and said, “Put it on Hazrat Yaqub (AS)’s face, his sight will return and bring him with you in the future.”

When Yaqub’s son left with his shirt, Yaqub (AS) addressed his sons in his house and said, “I can smell my son Yusuf.” The sons used some rude words and Yaqub (AS) became silent. Then the sons who had returned from Egypt put Yusuf (AS)’s shirt on Yaqub (AS)’s face, and Hazrat Yaqub (AS) regained his sight.

The sons in Yaqub (AS)’s house apologized to him, and he forgave his sons. So, all the family left for Egypt. When he reached Hazrat Yusuf (AS), seated Yaqub (AS) on the throne. Hazrat Yaqub (AS) and his eleven sons bowed before Yusuf (AS). In Shari’ah, prostration before Allah is permissible, while prostration before anyone/anything else is forbidden for Muslims. On this occasion, Hazrat Yusuf (AS) thanked the Lord of the worlds and prayed: “O my Lord! Let me die on Islam and join the righteous.”

The story of Yusuf (AS) is a story of rise and fall and a document of patience and perseverance. The lesson from this is that Allah certainly rewards patience, even if it takes a while. Then there is Surah Ar-Ra’d. In the beginning of which, Allah Almighty, while sharing His blessings, said that Allah Almighty has created all kinds of fruits for human beings. Allah Almighty said, “Allah has sent a guide to every nation.” He also said that the thunderbolt praises Allah Almighty and the angels tremble with fear of Allah. He said that peace and tranquility of hearts come from the remembrance of Allah and His remembrance.

Then there is Surah Ibrahim. Ibrahim (AS) prayed a lot for the worldly and otherworldly welfare of his children and was always full of gratitude to Allah Almighty. There is a lesson for us in the biography of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) that we should keep on asking Allah Almighty through prayers at all times, and never give up His praise. May Allah help us to learn from the subjects mentioned in the Qur’an [ameen sum-ameen].

Allama Syed Hasnain Mousavi while highlighting the important incidents and points of the thirteenth para said, that there are three parts to this para:

  • The completion of Surah Yusuf
  • The complete Surah Raad
  • The complete Surah Ibrahim
Surah Yusuf:
  • This has been mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Surah Raad:
  • The truth about the Qur’an: It is worth noting that the Qur’an is usually mentioned at the beginning of the surahs which begin with the syllables, to challenge the opponents who call the Holy Qur’an a human endeavor.
  • Monotheism / Tawheed: He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the night and the day, the mountains and the canals, the grains and the fruits of different colors, tastes and fragrances, and death and life, profit and loss are in His hands alone. Allah has appointed angels to protect human beings.
  • Day of Judgement: The polytheists wonder how life will be put back in the dead bones, when in fact the cause of shock or disbelief is not resurrection in life after death, rather to question the sanctity of Allah Almighty.
  • Prophethood: For every nation there is sent a guide and a prophet.
  • The attributes of the pious and the non-pious: The eight attributes of the pious: (1) Loyalty (2) Mercy (3) Fear of God (4) Fear of the Hereafter (4) Patience (5) Observance of prayers (5) Charity (5) ) Revenge of evil with good. Three signs of the non-pious: (1) breach of promise (2) severance of mercy (3) Corruption on earth.
Surah Ibrahim:

There are five things in Surah Ibrahim:

  • Monotheism: Allah has created all the heavens and the earth. He sends down water from the sky, then brings forth for mankind fruits of all kinds from the earth, and subdues to mankind the waterways and the canals, and the sun and the moon and the night and the day. He put it to work, so that whatever human beings asked for, Allah gave them, his blessings are so great that counting them is not just a matter of man.
  • Prophethood: Here are some things to keep in mind;
  1. To reassure the Prophet (SAW), it has been said that even with the previous Prophets (AS), their peoples had adopted the same attitude of rejection and enmity, which your people have adopted.
  2. Every prophet is [speaks] the language of his people.
  3. Some of the doubts of the liars of the previous nations have been mentioned: (1) Doubt about the existence of Allah Almighty (2) Human beings cannot be messengers (3) Imitation of fathers. These suspicions have been denied.
  • Day of Judgement: Hell is the promise for the disbelievers and Paradise for the believers. Mention is made of the blessings of heaven and the horrors of hell. On the Day of Resurrection, after the reckoning has taken place, Satan will say to the misguided ones: “It was true and the promise I made to you was false, I did not force you, you yourself were deceived by me, now blame yourself instead of blaming me.”
  • Some important things such as: Thanksgiving increases blessings and for the ungrateful there is severe punishment from Allah Almighty. The example of the deeds of the disbelievers is like ashes that a strong wind blows and blows away everything. The word of truth and faith is like a pure tree, its root is very strong and its fruit is very sweet and the word of falsehood and misguidance is like an impure tree, it is not even for it and it is. It is useless. Allah is not unaware of the deeds of the oppressors. Six prayers; Abraham’s six supplications to his Lord are mentioned: (1) Peace, (2) Protection from Idolatry, (3) Iqamat-e-Salat / Prayers, (4) The inclination of hearts, (5) Provision, (6) Asking for forgiveness.

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