The Parallel Pandemic and the New Foreign Policy Choices

It seems that The People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation are still waiting for the new foreign policy choices by Biden Administration and at the same time United States, Europe and the whole world have still not come out of the pandemic shocks. On the other hand after the invention of the pandemic vaccine once again there is a hike in the petroleum prices in the Middle East as well.
Now the People’s Republic of China and Russia are trying to find out the common ground to encounter the U.S strategic interests in South East Asia. Europe is still a very strong ally of the United States and the same case is with the U.K as well.
The People’s Republic of China has not only over come the pandemic in a very short period but its economy has shown a very significant and consistent boom. These economic indicators show that this economic boom is not temporary but it has a very positive and very long lasting effect not only on the Chinese economy but to the world economy as well.
The Peoples Republic of China has not only successfully invented the pandemic vaccines but also exported the vaccines to Pakistan and the neighboring countries and later to the whole world as well.
The People’s Republic of China has not shown any notable response to the change of regime in the United States although during the Trump regime both nations were at a trade war but this is also true that due to heavy taxes on Chinese commodities there was a significant rise in the production which supported the local industry and it ultimately raised the employment opportunities in united states as well.
Now the Chinese regime wants to end the trade war with the new Biden administration and at the same time the Biden administration will also definitely normalize its relations with China but not at the cost of trade imbalance which in fact started during the Obama administration and had adverse effects on the US economy.
The United States will not only secure its economic interest with china in the region but will also secure its interest in South East Asia as well. Not only Japan and South Korea are the strong allies of the United States in the region but the new emerging economies of Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam are also the strong allies of the United States in the region.
The Biden administration will also follow the same strategic policy of a “Nuclear free zone” in the Korean peninsula which was in fact initiated by the former U.S President Donald Trump. Japan and North Korea has played a vital role in this strategic plan. Mr. Joe Biden also knows the importance of japan in the region because he was a part of the plan during Obama administration. The Obama administration had taken some important strategic decisions in this regard and again not only provided military assistance to Japan but had taken a keen interest in promoting Japan – India relations.
To contain China in South East Asia, the US has built strong allies in the whole region from India to Japan. After taking oath as President, Joe Biden called Indian Prime Minister Narinder Modi and if India will follow the US strategic plans then India will definitely get concessions on different fronts.
Keeping in view this perspective the Chinese president has some serious reservations especially on the militarization of Japan in the region but at the same time he does not want to escalate the situation in the region and wants to maintain his trade relations with Japan. The North Korean president met Chinese leadership before his scheduled meeting with president Trump. So at this stage it is not easy to deny the Chinese influence in the region as well.
After the demise of Castro and the end of the Vietnam war, the role of Russia in the region seems to vanish but Russia has regained its role in the middle east after the second tenure of Obama presidency, when the U.S stopped aiding Syrian opposition and Russia fully supported president Assad’s regime which ultimately resulted in the defeat of Syrian opposition.
Former U.S President Mr. Donald Trump reshaped its strategic policy in the Middle East and not only improved its relations with Saudi Arabia and the Arab world but also played a vital role in promoting diplomatic ties between Israel and the Arab world. Now the Biden administration wants to review the nuclear deal with Iran if Iran stops the enrichment of uranium. On the other hand Russia supported the nuclear deal of Iran and later both Iran and Russia backed the Asad regime and were the part of joint military adventures in the region.
Russian Federation is also having very good military and technological ties with Israel and at the same time China is also having a very good bilateral ties with Israel and the Arab world at the same time and in fact the Arab countries are one of the biggest markets of Chinese products. Saudi Arabia is one of the key suppliers of oil to the People’s Republic of China.
In case of the new nuclear deal with the United States, Russia and China needs to be very careful in considering the interests of their allies in the Middle East as well. At the same time Arab-Israeli relations will definitely have an impact on international politics. Pakistan also needs to review its foreign policy choices keeping in view the regional and global politics.
After the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, Russia and China will definitely play their role in Afghanistan as regional actors. India has already initiated many development projects in Afghanistan and is already a part of the training project of the Afghan bureaucracy. Due to financial constraints, although Pakistan would not be able to assist the Afghan government in development projects but will definitely defend its interest due to the possible role of China in the region.
Keeping in view the regional and global dynamics Islamabad also needs to review its foreign policy choices keeping in view its national interest as well.
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