The year’s largest Asteroid to pass close to Earth


Lahore, 15th March: The US space agency NASA has said that the largest satellite of the year will pass a distance of 2 million kilometres from the Earth with a diameter of 915 meters on Sunday, March 21.

Baaghi TV: According to the international news agency, the planet ‘2001 FO32’ will pass close to the earth on Sunday, which astronauts will be able to see closely. It will be the largest asteroid of the year that will pass just 2 million kilometres from Earth.

Top NASA officials have claimed that 95 per cent of the planets, which are about the size of 20 or larger, have been listed and none of them is likely to collide with Earth until the next century.

NASA officials say the planet will travel at a speed of 124,000 kilometres per hour, which is higher than the normal speed of planets passing close to Earth. The planet was discovered 20 years ago.

On the other hand, Paul Choudz, director of the Institute for the Study of Near-Earth Space Components, says that when it passes, it will look brighter than all the elements in the sky. 

Although the distance between the Earth and the planet will be greater, it can be considered dangerous.

NASA’s Lance Banner said that passing so close will allow us to learn more about the planet from the reflection of the sun’s rays from the surface of the planet because at the moment we have very little information about it.

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