Those who criticize the defense budget should be crushed before the enemy: Veena Malik


According to a report by Baaghi TV, Pakistan’s leading actress Veena Malik, has said that India has decided to increase its nuclear submarines. Those who shout at the defense budget must be crushed before crushing the enemy.

Tweeting on social networking site Twitter, Veena Malik said that India has decided to increase the number of nuclear submarines. By 2030, India will have 110 nuclear submarines while the Navy will be equipped with state-of-the-art ships which are a threat to Gwadar port.

Veena Malik further said that those who are attacking the defense budget are the agents of the enemies of Pakistan and these traitors should be crushed before the enemy.

Earlier last year, Global Firepower released a list of the world’s most powerful armed forces, according to which Pakistan ranks fifth out of 137 countries in terms of strength, while India ranks seventh.

It is clear that liberals keep pointing fingers at Pakistan’s defense budget. However, due to the same Pakistan army, they are safe in their homes in the scorching heat. The young men of the Pakistan Army continue to sacrifice their lives day and night for the protection of the Pakistani people on the front lines in the scorching heat and cold. A Pakistani army officer was martyred in Waziristan yesterday.

Even on the Line of Control, there are testimonies of Pakistan Army soldiers, but those who criticize the defense budget do not know the value of life. If the critics of the defense budget spend only an hour on the front lines at the border, their speech will stop there.

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