Turkey’s Erdogan Working for National Interest or Showing Hypocrisy?


Lahore, 21st December: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s hypocrisy or national interest, interesting revelations by Pakistan’s renowned journalist.

According to Baaghi TV reports, anchorperson Mubasher Lucman has said that Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who accused the Arab countries of betraying the Palestinians and stabbing them in the back after the UAE recognized Israel, has amazed the Muslim world.

Lucman released a video on his official YouTube channel and said that the day after the sanctions were imposed by the United States on Turkey, Erdogan suddenly resumed relations with Israel, which had been severed for two years. This step has taken the world by surprise, including Pakistan. Now the question arises why did he do that?


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Mubasher Lucman asked whether Tayyip Erdogan realized that his policy of tension had isolated Turkey in the world. Turkey is in war with Saudi Arabia, Armenia, France, Greece and Cyprus.

Turkey wanted to replace the Islamic bloc and become the voice of weak Muslim countries around the world. In today’s video, Lucman informed when he unveiled that Turkey was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel, the so-called big political think-tanks came out in defense of Turkey. 

Lucman further said that now that Turkey has unilaterally restored relations with Israel by granting rights to the Palestinians without any conditions, what do these so-called political thinkers have to say about this.

Pakistan is the country that refused to recognize Israel in 1948. Egypt signed the treaty in 1978. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed the treaty in 1939. Jordan In 1994, the Gulf country that had previously sided with Pakistan. The UAE signed the agreement in 2000. But why hasn’t Pakistan changed its foreign policy?

Pakistan’s stance is to give Palestine the status of an independent state. The matter will go ahead and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are in touch with each other on this issue.

In 1948, Israel declared its statehood, expelling 7.5 million Palestinians. The PLO was formed in the 1960s. Earlier, it demanded that we want a Palestine under British occupation, that is, an end to Israel. But then the PLO agreed to distribute the land. But still this problem could not be solved.

When the UAE recognized Israel, the Turkish Foreign Minister said: ‘Betrayed the Palestinian motives’.

Mubasher Lucman added that Tayyip Erdogan also threatened to suspend his relations with the UAE. Why did they do that? Under what goals did Tayyip Erdogan sent his ambassador to Tel Aviv?

He said if the UAE was a hypocrite in restoring relations with Israel, then isn’t Tayyip Erdogan not a hypocrite?

Lucman informed that in 2005, during the period of General Musharraf, when the foreign minister Khurshid Qasuri and the Israeli Foreign Minister shook hands for the first time in history, it was all due to the effoets of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Mubasher Lucman asked why did he do that? Was that because of the love of Pakistan? Was it in Turkey’s interest or Israel’s demand?

There is a free trade agreement between Turkey and Israel. According to 2018 figures, Turkey is Israel’s major trading partner. Turkey supplies Israel with textiles, iron, chemicals and oil distillates, steel, land, sea and air vehicles, ceramic and glass products.

Turkey buys high-tech equipment from Israel and provides uniforms and boots to the Israeli military. Turkish Airlines makes the most regular visits to Israel.

Despite the low level of tourism, one million Jews visit Turkey every year. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, the volume of trade between Turkey and Israel in 2018 was 6.2 billion dollars which became 5.5 billion dollars in 2019-20. The highest was in October 2012, when Turkish exports to Israel increased by 16 percent.

New alignments and geo-streategic changes in the Middle East are taking place at a time when the world is going through a difficult period in human history due to the pandemic.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news and updates!


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