Twitter has still not deleted illegal content: Roskomnadzor


Moscow, March 11 (AFP/APP): Russia’s telecommunications watchdog said Thursday that Twitter had still not deleted more than 3,000 posts containing illegal content after Moscow began disrupting Twitter’s services in the country.

On Wednesday, Roskomnadzor said it began slowing down the US social media giant’s work in Russia, saying Twitter failed to comply with its requests to delete content related to child pornography, drug use and calls for minors to commit suicide. “As of March 11, 2021, more than 3,100 publications containing banned information have not been deleted,” Roskomnadzor said in a statement on Thursday.

“There has not been a response to a Roskomnadzor request to delete banned materials containing child pornography, pro-drug and suicide content.” The communications watchdog reiterated that the measures only affect posts with photo, video and graphics.

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