UAE ambassador to Pakistan visits Karachi to show his support


Karachi, 3rd September: The UAE Ambassador to Pakistan has reached Karachi to help the flood victims. He also met the Governor and Chief Minister of Sindh.

According to Baaghi TV, UAE Ambassador Hamad Obaid Alzaabvisited different parts of Karachi and distributed aid to the distressed people.

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On this occasion, the UAE Ambassador said that he has not forgotten the distressed people of Pakistan and that he understands their sorrow.

According to Baaghi TV, on another occasion, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader and Sindh Governor Imran Ismail accompanied the UAE ambassador to Lyari and distributed ration bags among the rain victims.

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Talking to media, Sindh Governor Imran Ismail said that UAE supported Pakistan in every possible way and rations were being given to 75,000 families by UAE.

Addressing the ration distribution ceremony, the UAE Ambassador said that the UAE attaches great importance to Pakistan and regrets the loss caused by the recent rains.

Yesterday, the government of the UAE carried out a generous gesture and announced a relief package for the flood victims of Sindh and Balochistan.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more news and updates!

Food distributed among victims


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