UN report finds Jordan, Turkey, UAE violated Libya arms embargo


United Nations, United States, Nov 8 (AFP/APP): Jordan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates have regularly violated the UN arms embargo imposed on Libya since 2011, according to a confidential report by UN experts seen Thursday by AFP.

The three countries “routinely and sometimes blatantly supplied weapons with little effort to disguise the source,” a summary of a year-long study by the UN experts said.

According to diplomats, Jordan was accused of having trained troops of Khalifa Haftar, a military strongman in eastern Libya who launched an offensive in April in a bid to seize Tripoli.


The United Arab Emirates, another Haftar backer, is suspected of using attack aircraft on behalf of his forces.

The UAE is suspected of involvement in a July 2 bombing of a detention center for migrants in a Tripoli suburb which left around 50 people dead.

Libya’s eastern based army attacks airport in Tripoli

The report does not definitively apportion blame for the attack but says a foreign aircraft was probably involved, and notes the widespread use in the conflict of US-made F-16s and French-made Mirage 2000-9s — both aircrafts operated by the UAE’s air force.

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