US Elections, Presidential candidate makes an important announcement


According to a report by Baaghi TV, the next expected President of the United States, Joe Biden, who is ahead of Trump in the US election has said, “Our victory is clear from the counting of votes. The time has come for us, as a nation, to emerge from the crisis together. All votes must be counted”.

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“We are winning the presidential election, we are waiting for the final results, we have been given a mandate by the people,” Biden told a news conference. “We are on track to get more than 300 electoral votes. We’ve garnered more than 74 million votes, and to date, no presidential candidate in the history of the United States has received so many votes”.

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Joe Biden said, “stop being angry and blaming others. We are in dire straits and we have no more time to waste on prejudice. We may be against each other, but we are not enemies. Will have a clear lead in the presidential election”. He added, “Democracy will not be harmed, we will not waste time entangled in chaos and differences. Our economic plan will be to overcome the losses after Corona. The Corona virus has left 20 million people unemployed. The goal of our politics is to solve problems. The American people voted to improve the environment and the economy”.

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