US lawmakers write to Biden; urge him to raise HR violations in his meeting with Modi

Modi US Visit

Dozens of American lawmakers have urged the US President Joe Biden to raise human rights issues with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, during latter’s visit to Washington.

The letter, signed by Senator Chris Van Hollen, Representative Pramila Jayapal and signed by at least 60 other members of Congress, said: “We do not endorse any particular Indian leader or political party — that is the decision of the people of India — but we do stand in support of the important principles that should be a core part of American foreign policy.”

The letter urged President Biden that during his meeting with Modi, he “discuss the full range of issues important to a successful, strong, and long-term relationship between our two great countries.”

The letter further said that its signatories join Biden in welcoming Modi to the US, and want a “close and warm relationship” between the people of the two countries.

“As longtime supporters of a strong US-India relationship, we also believe that friends can and should discuss their differences in an honest and forthright way. That is why we respectfully request that – in addition to the many areas of shared interests between India and the US – you also raise directly with Prime Minister Modi areas of concern,” the wrote.

The letter also brought up India’s slipping press freedom ranking after annual assessments compiled by Reporters Without Borders, and said that according to Access Now, India ranks first in terms of the most internet shutdowns for the fifth year in a row.

It is to mention here that Narendra Modi is visiting the US starting from tomorrow.

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