Weekly Update of Gas Position

Image Credits: Dunya News
Spokesperson for Petroleum Division says that currently, there is no gas load shedding anywhere in the country. However, isolated complaints of pressure drops, especially at tail ends of the lines and in the colder climates has been observed which are being attended by gas utilities actively.
The supply position of Gas is as follows:
1)The LNG terminals are operating at full capacity and regassifying 1196 MMCFD.
2) SNGPL is getting 907 MMCFD of local gas. SSGCL is getting 995 MMCFD of local gas.
3)In addition to local gas SNGPL is getting 998 MMCFD of LNG while SSGCL is retaining 202 MMCFD of LNG.
Whereas demand for gas for all sectors is as follows:
1) Power sector in NTDC system got 327 MMCFD of LNG on 08-12-2020 as per requirement.
2)All industrial units and CNG stations are getting gas as per normal demand.
3)City gate loads in SNGPL system have increased 2% in one week as the winter sets in.
More so, the temperature is expected to drop in the coming weekend in the northern part of the country which will cause rise in domestic demand. However, no gas load shedding is scheduled in the next 7 days. It is also pertinent to mention that a newly laid 17 km gas pipeline from Port Qasim to Pakland in SSGCL system is being hydro-tested & will be commissioned very soon. This will further facilitate the flow of RLNG thus reducing the possibility of gas shortages in the country.
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