What China wants from India now?


Lahore, 15th June: Mubasher Lucman, Pakistan’s renowned journalist and TV host released a video on his YouTube channel and revealed the insights of what China wants from India now?

China has always shown dislike on the regional handling of affairs by India initially the revoking of Indian constitionual article 370 and special status of Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh is not acceptable to China.

According to Lucman, the Indians have been repelling China with constant betrayal and statement from Parveen Shani the retired Indian army officer has been irritating the Chinese officials.

India and Australia raised the demand for an independent investigation on outbreak of COVID-19 from China which was a politically motivated move and effort to adversely affect Chinese reputation and economic interest.

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As told by Mubasher Lucman in is video, Subramanium the Indian Foreign minister participated in the seven country Foreign ministers meeting called by American Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and unconditionally supported the induction of Taiwan in world trade organization.

The point to be noted is China claims Taiwan to be its part and any such movement would definitely be considered and interference in China’s internal affairs.

Australia, Japan, Brazil, and South Korea participated in this conference and the world knows that these countries are non-NATO allies of America and would always back any move made by America.

New Delhi intends to send its ministers to Taiwan for cultural and social ties and bilateral trade agreements. India is trading in electronic, telecommunication, 5G communication and health sector with Tiawan and they want to increase the cooperation. India diversion from One China stance is not at all acceptable to China.

Lucman adds that the Indo-Pacific cooperation with America, Japan, Australia and South Korea is on a rise. The India support for US supremacy in South Asia Pacific sea is another reason for China’s suspicion.

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Last Month Indian PM Modi passed a special rule to curtail the possibility of Chinese businessmen investment in India which definitely is considered a discriminating and unlawful  act as per International trade laws and China has raised complaint with the WTO.

India also declined from taking part in Asia Pacific Comprehensive development Program( RECP) which is initiated by China and includes India, North Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia. It is considered a flagship program for trade development and cooperation.

Indian think tank made a miss calculation and analysis that after the pandemic the international companies will shift their production from China and India would be the most beneficial out of these switches. Where as in reality only 5% of the American companies switched their projects from China. This also brought to light that the Indian infrastructure is way behind China.

China has also shown resentment over the betrayal of PM Modi from all the commitments made during his unofficial meeting in Beijing. Modi is time and again reminded by the Chinese officials to stand by the commitments made by him and his government with China.

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At the moment China is far stronger than India a mere comparison of Chinese GDP 14 Trillion$ with 2 Trillion$ of India shows the difference.

Lucman tells us that in 1962 when China and India were comparable even then India was given a beating by China and a fitted lesson was taught to India.

China demands India to reinstate the historical status of Jammu and Kashmir and adhere to the commitments made with Pakistan and China.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for daily updates from Mubasher Lucman YouTube Channel! 

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