Yousuf Raza Gillani’s Polling Agent makes a statement on the Election incident


Press Release (16th Mar):

” I Senator, Farooq H. Naek, Senior Advocate Supreme Court and Polling Agent of
Senator Yousuf Raza Gillani hereby make the following statement:

On 12-03-2021, the entire world saw the injustice which took place in the name
of Election of Chairman Senate.
As such I, on behalf of my fellow Senator, Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani plan to
challenge the unlawful rejection of seven votes validly polled in favour of Senator
Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani by the then presiding officer Senator Muzzafar Hussain

In this respect we plan to approach the Honourable High Court of Islamabad
under Writ Jurisdiction and agitate the unjust, bias, malafide, unlawful and
unconstitutional treatment meted out to Senator Yousuf Raza Gillani as well as
his voters during the process of elections to the post of Chairman Senate.
We also plan to highlight the role of the Senate Secretariat in unlawfully
influencing the election of Chairman Senate which is evident from the
instructions issued by it on the polling day as well as other incidents which
transpired that day.

In order to safeguard the record we have already filed an application for sealing of
entire record of the elections held to the post of Chairman Senate including the
recovered spy cameras and all materials pertaining thereto as well as all the
ballot papers including the ones which were challenged.

Furthermore in order to bring the entire record before the competent forum we
have sought certified copies of various documents including the seven challenged
votes, the instructions to Senators pasted in the Senate hall, the Ruling of the
presiding officer challenging the rejected votes, the Ruling of the presiding officer
declaring Sadiq Sanjrani as Chairman Senate as well as the proceedings of the
Senate with respect to the arguments advanced by me on the Senate floor as
polling agent of Senator Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani.

Due to our stance against the Senate Secretariat, as well as the fact that the
applications of certified copies and sealing of record have been made to the
Senate Secretariat itself, we gravely apprehend tampering with and/or
destruction of key evidence which shows the malafide and unjust treatment
meted out to Senator Yousuf Raza Gillani as well as his voters and would like to
bring our apprehension on record.

Our application for certified copies is pending before the Senate Secretariat which
is closed until 17.03.2021, however as soon as the same are obtained we would
knock the doors of the Court in order to obtain our lawful rights by ensuring that
Senator Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani is declared elected as Chairman Senate. “

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