800 students to study in Pakistan on scholarship


Pakistan has again offered 800 scholarships this year to the Afghan students, and the studies are expected to start early November.

Pakistani embassy in Kabul organized a pre-orientation session for the 800 students proceeding for joining universities and colleges all over Pakistan. Afghan Minister of Higher Education Dr. Abass Basir spoke on the occasion and thanked government of Pakistan for provision of these scholarships.

Basir encouraged the successful students to utilize this opportunity for their educational, professional and skill development. “Pursue your higher education in Pakistan, harness your skills, and utilize your knowledge to serve the country,” he told the students.

Dr. Basir welcomed the proposal to strengthen collaboration with Pakistan in the field of higher education, capacity building and research and development.

The minister unveiled plans in the next four-five years to enhance higher education and access to education for vulnerable communities, strengthen enrolment capacity in higher education institutions, and improve quality of education.

Ambassador of Pakistan, Mansoor Ahmad Khan said that students are preparing to embark for a journey of progress, for fulfillment of aspiration to have a better life, and a journey for development of their country.

Mansoor Ahmad Khan in his welcome address emphasized that assistance provided by Pakistan to Afghanistan in the higher education sector is contributing to the capacity building of Afghanistan. He added that more than 50,000 Afghans educated in Pakistan were serving Afghanistan’s public and private sector institutions. He urged the students proceeding to Pakistan in this batch to benefit from this opportunity and come back and serve Afghanistan in its national development.

Part of this scholarship scheme is focused on ensuring capacity building for women, and 100 seats have been allocated for female students, he added.

The students’ journey was delayed for a few months due to outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic and finally they will leave Afghanistan to Pakistan for scholarship in coming weeks.

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