We Will Not Give Our Land to Anyone or Allow Interference: Sheikh Rashid

We Will Not Give Our Land to Anyone or Allow Interference: Sheikh Rashid

Federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said that he will not hand over his land to anyone nor will he allow anyone to interfere in it. This was the slogan used by Imran Khan, he said, which has restrictions and difficulties around it.

Talking to the media in Islamabad, Sheikh Rashid said that today the acting governor of Kandahar province of Afghanistan has opened the Chaman border and by now traffic will have started running.

However, in response to a question, he said, “To be honest, I do not know yet what has been decided regarding the Chaman border, but in Pakistan, 96% of the Afghan border and 48% of the Iranian border has been fenced.”

He said that following the protocols of the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC), people would only be able to pass through on ID cards.

Sheikh Rashid further said that Rawalpindi does not accept Friday and Sunday holidays regarding Coronavirus restrictions, so he has spoken to Asad Umar, head of NCOC, for Friday and Saturday holidays as before.

He said that cases of Covid-19 were increasing in Rawalpindi and Islamabad so they have to take many precautionary measures.

Continuing, he said that whatever the heart of the opposition does, he wants to tell the opposition to raise their hands to the sky, bring their feet to the ground, and hang in space, because Imran Khan will remain for a period of 5 years.

Addressing the opposition, the Home Minister further said that they can do whatever activity they want to, as long as it’s within the ambit of the Constitution and democracy. At the same time, however, he said, “But my free advice to them is that there is going to be international politics in the region. There is no room for local politics here. It is going to go beyond rallies.”

Continuing, he said that the economy of this country should stand and live in the world on the principle that Pakistan’s land will not be given to anyone and no one will be allowed to interfere in it. This is the slogan that Imran Khan put up, but there are restrictions and difficulties surrounding it.

Replying to a question, he said that from the day Bilawal Bhutto was born, he has been running on mistrust and did not understand anything.

Sheikh Rashid said that they have been saying that the government would leave last December, however, truth is that they will be here next December and Imran Khan will be found in the next budget as well.

Regarding the medical report submitted by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the Lahore High Court, the Home Minister said that Nawaz Sharif is free on his behalf and that he does not know what the court decides.

Responding to another question, he said to not misunderstand if you have received an arms license. Quality will be looked at, and all the regulations surrounding it must be followed.

“Everyone wants Kalashnikovs. However, as long as I am the interior minister, I will only allow Kalashnikovs on merit,” he said.

He further said that Pakistani forces are vigilant on the border, but a conspiracy is being hatched to create chaos in the country due to which there is a danger of terrorist incidents.

In response to a question, he said that 200,000 people are coming daily from NADRA to get the vaccination certificate. “I request 100,000 people to come at a time,” he said.

“As interior minister, I have border management, and no refugees are coming from the border, everything is fine,” he further stated.

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