Britney Spears’s Conservatorship Ends after nearly 14 years

Britney-Spears’s-Conservatorship-Ends-after-nearly-14-years #Baaghi

Los Angeles: A judge has officially ended the arrangement that used to oversee the singer’s life and finances. Her fans rejoiced upon the news. According to experts, a psychological evaluation of the decision is recommended and is not considered unusual.

The ruling of Britney’s conservatorship by the Judge named Brenda Penny of Los Angeles Superior Court ended the relationship that Ms. Spears had complained of many a times, and which her fans had rallied out against.

In June, Ms. Spears, aged 39, told the court that the arrangement had taken away all of her legal rights and had caused her to become traumatized and she had to undergo mental evaluations due to the case. This Friday, Judge Penny agreed to her claims and lifted the conservatorship.

According to her statement, Britney Spears is no longer in need of conservatorship.

Judge Penny also said that there was “no need for a capacity declaration” in her case, noting that it had been a voluntary conservatorship.

The judge stated that the singer’s current estate conservator would continue working to settle ongoing financial concerns related to the case. John Zabel, the certified public accountant who took over the estate in September, would retain power to execute estate planning and transfer outside assets into an existing trust for her.

The conservatorship was part of the singer’s life for over 14 years. It was established in 2008, when James P. Spears, Ms. Spears’s father, who is known as Jamie, first petitioned the court for authority over his adult daughter’s life and finances, citing her very public mental health struggles and possible substance abuse.

Ever since then, the conservatorship has entered into professional contracts on behalf of the pop star, and took part in even the slightest things in her life which irritated her. It also drew questions from her fans as conservatorship is assigned for someone who cannot look after themselves financially.

In June, the pop star made her first comment on this issue, and said that its authority went too far and that it should be lifted off of her as those in charge forced her to take medication, work against her will and use a birth control device. She called for them to be investigated and jailed, pointing to Mr. Spears, now aged 69, as “the one who approved all of it.”

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