South Africa cricket coach Mark Boucher charged with gross misconduct

South Africa coach charged with gross misconduct

Jan 21, 2022: Cricket South Africa (CSA) has accused men’s national team coach Mark Boucher of gross misconduct after former teammate Paul Adams accused him of racism.

The allegations stem from last month’s findings by the Social Justice and Nation (SJN) Building Ombudsman, which looks at past alleged discrimination within the sport’s national governing body.

Former spinner Adams said he was called “Brown S**t” in a song by the South African team, during his time in the team which spanned nine years from 1995 to 2004. The insult was directed at Adams through the song and was repeated by former wicketkeeper Boucher who has since apologized.

Cricket South Africa (CSA), the sport’s governing body, on the eve of the second One-Day International (ODI) between South Africa and India, publicly announced “gross misconduct” charges against Proteas coach Mark Boucher.

The announcement, sent by a press release, which was initially headlined “Smith and Boucher suspended,” before being withdrawn, was badly timed.

“While Mr Boucher is being charged with gross misconduct, which could lead to his dismissal, CSA emphasises it is important that the independent inquiry first needs to test all allegations before any question of sanction can arise,” CSA said in a statement on Thursday.

CSA confirms that a charge sheet, containing both the disciplinary charges against Mr Boucher, as well as his rights, was provided to him on 17 January.
Responding to the development, Boucher issued a statement of his own later in the day, saying: “I look forward to dealing with and defending these allegations which have been made and will do so at the hearing in due course. For now I am solely focused on my duties as head coach of the Proteas.”

The SJN report also criticised current CSA director of cricket Graeme Smith and former national team captain AB de Villiers saying the selection decisions made during their times as captain of the side were prejudicial towards Black players.

Smith and de Villiers have denied the allegation.

Mark Boucher meanwhile is still in charge of the South Africa One-Day International side who are one game into a three-match home series against India.

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