KP Governor refutes rumors about nationalization of Edward College


PESHAWAR, Nov 16 (APP):Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Shah Farman Saturday refuted rumors about nationalization of Edward College Peshawar and said that the institution is a property of Christine community and its Principal would also be from the same minority group.

Addressing a press conference here at Governor House, he said that propaganda about nationalization of Edward College is part of a malicious campaign to dent the image of the country. He said minorities enjoy equal rights in Pakistan as enshrined in the Constitution, adding PTI believes in Riyaste-e-Madina where minorities were given equal rights like Muslims.

He said that Peshawar High Court in a judgment observed that education standard of the College is declining with each passing day and students are opting migration. The court also directed the concerned authorities to take measures for reviving old glory of the College, he added.

Shah Farman said that Edwards College was considered a prestigious educational institution of the country that produced many famous personalities.

The Governor informed that a meeting of BoG is convened that would look into the affairs of the College aiming its betterment and improvement. He said that complaints of students and teachers about the College would also be considered.

He said that some employees of the College who are abroad on study leave have now started a malicious campaign to tarnish the image of the country adding their propaganda would serve nothing but increase hatred among different communities.

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