Higher rate of coronavirus deaths: Edhi Foundation


Lahore, 29th March: Faisal Edhi, son of Abdul Sattar Edhi, the founder of the Edhi Foundation has shown serious concerns about the current situation due to the pandemic in Pakistan.

According to the reports of Baaghi TV, a video has surfaced the social media in which Faisal Edhi is discussing the deaths in the country as a result of the corona infection.


He feels that the death rate is going to increase in the coming days and we are not geared up to handling this situation. The facilities are already exhausted and in the future, it will be difficult to handle the increased cases.

The death rate in Punjab is on the rise as 6 to 7 dead bodies are being buried daily. According to the sources, Edhi mortuaries are being sealed so the actual information does not get leak out. The actual death figure is being kept hidden so as not to create panic among the public.

According to the unconfirmed sources, the number that the government is giving out seems to be incorrect.

Baaghi TV urges you to play your part as a responsible citizen by staying at home to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones and the community.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for the latest updates.


12,218 suspected cases of coronavirus across Pakistan: Dr. Zafar Mirza



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