Pakistani Singer tests positive for COVID-19


Lahore, 15th June: The latest celebrity to get infected with the novel coronavirus is Rahim Shah.

According to a report by Baaghi TV, Pakistan’s pop singer Rahim Shah has been infected with COVID-19.

Rahim Shah’s manager has informed that the singer after testing positive for coronavirus has quarantined himself at his home.

Two senior Pakistani actresses infected with coronavirus

The doctors had advised him to adopt precautionary measures if his test came positive. He is reportedly taking care and self-isolating at his home.

Pakistani actor Vasay Chaudhry tests positive for coronavirus

Many celebrities in Pakistan are succumbing to the deadly disease, some of which include, senior actress Rubina Ashraf, actor, and host Vasay Chaudhry, singer Abrar-ul-Haq, and many political personalities too.

Coronavirus: 2,500 plus casualties reported across Pakistan

The total number of coronavirus patients in Pakistan has reached 144,478 while the number of deaths has reached 2,729.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for all the latest news and updates!

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