Fawad Urges Planning Now for Next Monsoon


ISLAMABAD, Aug 31 (APP): Federal Minister of Science and Technology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain on Monday urged the concerned authorities to plan for next year’s monsoon season from now and learn a lesson from the current rains that created a chaotic situation in Karachi.

In a tweet, the federal minister said, “The problem is that when rain stops today and things get normal in a few days, we will forget everything and go on with our routine.”

Chaudhry Fawad said rains will occur again next year and daily life would be disturbed, adding that there would be the same hue and cry again. He said people should learn from the current situation and take adequate measures to avert another disaster next year.

The minister tweeted in response to the current situation after the recent downpour which inundated many parts of Karachi including roads and caused prolonged power suspension. However, he said, Pakistan Meteorological Department has predicted more rain for the city which is also alarming.

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