Afridi urges UN to break silence on IIOK


ISLAMABAD, Oct 24 (APP):Chairman Kashmir Committee Shehryar Khan Afridi on Saturday urged United Nations to break its mysterious silence and work diligently for unresolved disputes which may trigger conflicts and wars.

While addressing a seminar on role of United Nations and Kashmir dispute held to observe the 75th United Nations Foundation Day 2020, Afridi said that UNs failure has led to outbreak of a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia and this war may engulf the entire region as there were allegations and counter allegations of involvement of regional countries, said a press release issued here.

“Since the world is no more unipolar, its about time that the UN break its silence over disputes and take move to resolve disputes. If UN fails to deliver, its fate would be no different than the League of Nations,” he said and warned that the failure of League of Nations had led to World War.

“It seems that the United Nations has forgotten what it was founded for. The UN has lost its cause of bringing peace to the world while making it sure that there’s no lingering conflict,” he said.
Afridi said that

Biggest war fought by Pakistan, we were called masiah of humanity when Pakistan managed to bring multiple countries to dialogue post world war-2 era and during cold war.

“Now the UN has to realize who real enemy of humanity is. Why is FATF forgetting the contribution of Pakistan in maintaining world peace, given Pakistan is the biggest contributor of peace in peacekeeping missions”. He said Pakistan has been hosting … Afghan refugees for 40 years now, has been treating them as their own. While on the other hand India is heading towards creating a huge refugee influx/ crisis, declaring majority of Muslim indians as non citizens while launching Ghar wapsi program to bribe Minorities against their properties and life security.

He said the developed nations will be responsible for any nuclear clash that will happen between India and Pakistan. Because that is what both states are heading towards.

He said Pakistanis need to unite against Indian forces, RAW and Modi has been conspiring against Pakistan, trying to exploit fault lines. He urged the nation to show unwavering faith when it comes to Kashmir and fighting for Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. He said that India will not see the dawn of black day in coming year, Kashmiris will get justice from International bodies because Imran Khan and his team is ready to go to every extent to liberate kashmir of Indian rule.

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