‘Aik Haqeeqat’ a short film on the Pandemic


Lahore, 10th May: The first-ever filmmaker, Faraz Ahmed has made a movie named ‘Aik Haqeeqat’ during the lockdown and pandemic crisis around the world.

According to Baaghi TV, writer, director and producer, Faraz Ahmed has made a short movie ‘Aik Haqeeqat’ on the coronavirus and the fear it has spread around the world.

It is for the first time that somebody from Pakistan has taken the initiative and made a short film on the pandemic crisis. The basic concept has been put into action by Mr Faraz Ahmed an actor, who has worked in Indian movies and dramas, who is also a scriptwriter.

According to Faraz Ahmed, he got a one-liner idea of a script, which he, later on, carried out through a 35-minute short film.

The short film revolves around the situation of the world after being struck by the pandemic. The film opens with a scene from London city, where the Coronavirus starts wreaking havoc in the busy lives of the people.

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The teaser of the film shows how the people are stuck in their homes during a lockdown, how the subways and trains are empty after the pandemic threatens the health systems of nations.

Despite the lockdown hurdles, Faraz Ahmed has been courageous enough to shoot a movie with limited resources, yet the outcome is terrific.

The cast includes Faraz Ahmed himself and Sultan Mehmood, a leading name of the Pakistan showbiz industry, who has worked in Pakistan and the Indian movies.

The director Faraz Ahmed has received a positive response by the film fraternity and the public after the release of the teaser.

The movie carries a message of what we have learned from the pandemic crisis. ‘Aik Haqeeqat’‘ also sends out a message that we as humans should emerge better beings after recovering from the deadly disease.


The 35-minutes film is being beautifully shot, with professional cinematographic visual effects. Though an emerging director, Faraz Ahmed has left no stone unturned in the picturization of his movie. His sheer professionalism and dedication are evident from the teaser.

Baaghi TV wishes all the best for his venture and encourages the emerging talent to come forward with unique ideas.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates!

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