Alhamdulillah, 19 Districts of Punjab are now Corona-Free: Dr Yasmin Rashid


Lahore: According to reports, Health Minister Punjab Dr Yasmin Rashid has said that by the Grace and Bounty of Allah, 19 districts of Punjab are now corona-free. She again stressed the importance of continuing to implement the SOPs during Eid-ul-Adha.

According to details, Heath Minister Punjab said that 19 districts have become corona-free and the number of cases is going down in the rest. Dr Yasmin Rashid thanked Allah Almighty for His Blessings, as Pakistan is on the way to successfully fight off corona virus and In Sha All, the remaining districts of Punjab will soon be corona-free as well.

It should be clear that Punjab is witnessing a decrease in the number of corona cases and corona-related deaths. In the last 24 hours there were 116 new corona cases that took the tally for the province go 93,173 cases in all. According to the spokesperson of Primary and Secondary Healthcare, there were a further 2 corona related deaths, and that took the tally of deaths to 2144.

According to the spokesperson, there have so far been 7 lac, 35 thousand and 699 tests and 82,552 people have defeated the virus.

Dr Yasmin Rashid appealed to the people to cooperate with Lahore Waste Management in ensuring proper cleaning during the Eid. In this regard the Chief Minister Punjab, Usman Buzdar has also issued a warning that there will be no compromise on cleaning and any complaints will be immediately addressed.

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