Austrian-French vaccine maker Valneva’s Corona virus vaccine is entering phase three trials


Paris, April 22 2021: Valneva, the Austro-French pharmaceutical developer, has announced the beginning of the final testing Phase three trial of its COVID 19 vaccine.

The trials involve conducting a study called “Cov-compare” to analyze how the immune systems of the participants respond to Valneva’s VLA2001 as opposed to participant response to AstraZeneca vaccine. For the trial which will take place across 25 sites in the UK, a total of 4000 participants are to receive two doses of either of the two vaccines

The goal of the study is to show how superior VLA 2001 is compared to the efficacy of AstraZeneca, two weeks after being administered. The study will analyze the level of antibodies in the body that fight the virus. Pending positive results of the trial, Valneva will seek regulatory approvals in the fall of 2021. The Valneva VLA 2001 vaccine version is based on an inactivated version of the coronavirus.

Valneva officials said that it would employ strategy of deploying the shot “nation by nation” instead of focusing on broad approval via centralized European Commission approval for all 27 EU members.  The CEO, Thomas Lingelbach had already complained about a lack of “meaningful progress” in talks with the European Commission so the company will instead focus on those EU countries and interested parties outside the EU that expressed interest themselves.

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