Bakhtawar Zardari shares her interesting Ring Story


Karachi, 7th December: Daughter of the former president and late prime minister of Pakistan, Bakhtawar Bhutto-Zardari shares an interesting engagement-ring story.

Baaghi TV: Daughter of Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari, Bakhtawar Bhutto-Zardari has finally shared her story on the engagement ring that she gave to her fiance.

Bakhtawar who recently got engaged to a Dubai-based businessman Mahmood Chaudhry reveals the interesting story of the engagement ring that was specially made for her fiance.

Bakhtawar Zardari has one by one shared beautiful stories behind the idea of a well-planned engagement ceremony.

First, she included the beautiful picture of her parents in her invitation card, then she made sure to get photographed beside her late mother’s portrait.

There was still one other detail which she mentioned later on. On her Instagram account, Bakhtawar Zardari mentioned the ring story that made Mahmood Chaudhry’s engagement ring so special.

“Its A Ring Story: my mother had her father’s wedding ring copied and made for my father when they got married – I had the same ring duplicated and made for Mahmood Chaudhry,” she posted.

For her engagement, Bakhtawar wore a tea-pink dress paired with an ornately hand-worked shawl which was embroidered with the images of her past, including her parents’ wedding day, her grandmother, and her siblings playing in push-cars on one side, and her future, meeting her fiance, the proposal and her home and pet dog on the other.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for all the interesting news!


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