Balochistan targeted by enemies of state

'Accidental fire' near Sialkot Garrison extinguished: ISPR

The enemies of peace have once again targeted Balochistan, according to a report from Baaghi TV.

Terrorists opened fire on an FC vehicle in Balochistan. According to the DG ISPR, a young man was killed and two others were injured when terrorists opened fire on an FC vehicle. Three terrorists have been damned to hell.

Terrorists assaulted the FC vehicle in the Shahrig region of Loralai, Balochistan, according to the DG ISPR, and the FC responded by taking full action and killing three terrorists.

According to the Director-General of the ISPR, Naik Sharif was killed in a firefight with terrorists, while Major Qasim and a soldier were injured.

Such heinous actions, according to the DG ISPR, could not damage Balochistan’s peace and prosperity. Such cowardly actions will not be able to destabilize Balochistan’s stability and development.

The security forces, according to DG ISPR, are dedicated to the protection and defense of the nation. Balochistan’s peace and stability, which have been won with unending sacrifices, will be safeguarded at all costs.

It should be mentioned that just a few days ago, a terrorist operation was carried out in Balochistan. Operations by the Pakistan Army against anti-national elements are continuing.

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