British MPs press Johnson to recall parliament over Brexit


London, Aug 18 (AFP/APP):British Prime Minister Boris Johnson came under pressure Sunday to immediately recall lawmakers from their summer holiday so parliament can debate Brexit.

More than 100 MPs have written to Johnson to urge him to reconvene and let them sit permanently until October 31 — the date Britain is due to leave the European Union.

MPs are not due to return until September 3.

“Our country is on the brink of an economic crisis, as we career towards a no-deal Brexit,” said the letter, signed by MPs and opposition party leaders who want to halt Britain’s departure from the EU.
“We face a national emergency, and parliament must be recalled now.”

Parliament is set to break up again shortly after it returns, with the main parties holding their annual conferences during the September break.

Johnson — whose government commands a one-seat majority — insists Britain must leave the EU on October 31, with or without a divorce deal with Brussels.

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