Can a State Progress if they Disrespect Women?

LAHORE (2nd Nov, 2019): The central role of women in society has ensured the progress and long-term development of nations throughout history.

Women are the primary caretakers of children all over the world. Moreover, international studies demonstrate that women play leading roles when it comes to the progress of any state be it economic, social and political, they take their roles seriously as they adjust their families simultaneously with their responsibilities.

Women’s labor can transform a community from an autonomous society to a participant. In rural developing communities, women’s small businesses not only can be an extended family’s lifeline, but can form a networked economic foundation for future generations. Reportedly, in the last few years, the role of women in the urban and rural workforce has expanded exponentially.

Reportedly, women play a vital role in bringing a positive change to any society, especially those like Pakistan which are universally considered to be male-dominated and patriarchal, supposedly working for female downfall. While, it is inarguably true that women feel unsafe in parts of Pakistan, it is not entirely factual either.

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In Islam, both men and women are equals and are expected to fulfill the same duties of worship, prayer, faith, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca. Perhaps the most perfect example of this was Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) who consulted women and weighed their opinions seriously. Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was appointed Umm Waraqah, imam over household. Even, in sufi circles, women are recognized as teachers. One of the best known women rulers Khayzuran, governed the Muslim Empire under three Abbasid caliphs in the eighth century, and then in the eleventh century in Yemen, Malika Asma bint Shihab al-Sulayhiyya and Malika Arwa bint Ahmad al-Sulayhiyya , who both held power.

Moreover, #MeToo campaign has been used as an awareness program to curb crimes against women but the campaign has been hijacked by some individuals for their personal vendetta. This campaign having also picked up in Pakistan has given rise to various cases of allegations against people from all walks of life including multiple famous celebrities but unfortunately #MeToo campaign almost fails in Pakistan just because of conservative mind people.

Recently a video has surfaced on Twitter, rightfully breaking hearts and infuriating the public as it showcases the oft hidden aspect of society – blatant disrespect of women and women’s basic rights. Unfortunately, the more dominant side of male-centric Society highlights respecting women if they are related to us by blood or marriage while, all other women are largely considered below men. Why this hypocrisy, this duality of standards? All women deserve equal respect. This video rightfully shows how women are treated by most men in patriarchal societies.

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This is not the way. Man can be seen getting physical with the woman. No matter if she is rich or poor, educated or uneducated, no man has the right to raise his hand on a woman. On a personal level, and especially as a humanitarian cause I would urge the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Human Rights Minister and Prime Minister to take notice of this and to kindly ensure that these perpetrators are made an example of. I feel no shame to say that it is very bad to live in a society where women are not respected. Violence is not and cannot be the answer.

As French poet and writer, Victor Hugo argued, “Where women are honored, the divinities are pleased. Where they are despised, it is useless to pray to God.”


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