Congress Leader Udit Raj claims PM Narendra Modi planned Pulwama terror attack

Congress Leader Udit Raj claims has PM Narendra Modi planned Pulwama terror attack

Jan 8, 2022: Indian Congress leader Udit Raj has claimed that “power-hungry” Narendra Modi had planned the Pulwama terror attack in February 2019, just weeks before the Indian parliamentary elections, which strengthened his grip on the country.

In a tweet, the Congress leader termed the security breach during Modi’s recent visit to Indian Punjab as a “drama” and said that it proved that Modi was behind the horrific terrorist attack in which 40 personnel were killed. “Why were the soldiers allowed to travel in the convoy and not get off the plane,” Times Now quoted Raj as saying.

Earlier, other Indian politicians, including former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, had also expressed doubts about the terrorist attack. A lawmaker from India’s Wayanad district questioned who benefited the most from the attack and why no accountability has been established for the security flaws that led to the attack.

Last year, Pakistan urged the international community to hold India accountable for deteriorating the regional security environment when it came to light that New Delhi had launched a ploy to ensure Narendra Modi’s election victory.

A damning transcript of WhatsApp messages between Arnab Goswami, chief editor of Republic TV, and Pratho Dasgupta – the incarcerated head of ratings company Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) – had exposed New Delhi’s smear campaign against Islamabad.

The conversation is part of a 3,400-page supplementary chargesheet that Mumbai police are investigating into the alleged tampering case.

The Foreign Office said in a statement that the talks reaffirmed Pakistan’s position on India’s hegemonic intentions. India immediately blamed Pakistan for the attack and rejected repeated offers of cooperation from Prime Minister Imran Khan.

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