Corona cases in Pakistan are on the rise

Corona cases in Pakistan

April 27, 2021: Pakistan is currently in the grip of The third wave of the corona virus pandemic. The number of infections and the death toll are both increasing as a continuous daily trend.

The NCOC data shows the steady rise in the positivity ratio and also a rapid increase in the number of deaths.

The situation is moving alarmingly close to a crisis, with health authorities warning citizens against violating SOPs and also about a possible shortage of oxygen and hospital capacity. To that end, the Special advisor to prime minister on health, Dr Faisal Sultan has said if the people don’t start adhering to the guideliens now, a lock down is imminent. The authorities may also soon recommission the oxygen manufacturing plant attached to the Pakistan Steel Mill which is at present shut down.

On Monday, according to the data compiled by the NCOC from across Pakistan, the number of tests carried out were 43,981 and out of those, 4487 new cases of the virus emerged. The cumulative death tally on Monday was 17,211 while the cumulative cases since the start of the pandemic is now 799,328.

The NCOC has also marked 26 districts of Pakistan as high risk areas while the vaccination roll out which commenced last month has reached the 2 million point and has entered the third phase whence people between 50 and 60 years of age are now getting inoculated.

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