Corona crisis in India, Indian NGO appeals to Pakistan for oxygen tanks

oxygen crisis india

May 6, 2021: According to the report of BaaghiTV, deaths from corona continue in India, India is short of oxygen, most countries of the world are helping India. Pakistan had also offered help to India, though there was no formal response to offer of Pakistan’s help, but have remained silent so far.

The Sarim Burney trust has now received a letter has appealing for the donation of 10 oxygen tanks from Indian NGO.

Social activist Sarem Burney wrote a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan informing him of this. In the letter, he told PM Imran Khan that the Indian NGO Seed Trust had appealed for 10 oxygen tanks. It is not possible to provide Oxygen tanks so the government of Pakistan should help so that the required oxygen can be delivered to India. The NGO says that our health system is not able to meet the need for oxygen. We have told our government that we are taking oxygen tanks from Pakistan. If there is oxygen, we will be able to save the lives of the citizens.

It should be noted that in India, Corona caused anger, people began to die on the streets, no one was safe, hospitals were full, there was a lack of oxygen, there was no one to cure the suffering of the citizens in many hospitals in Delhi. The oxygen crisis has been going on for days. The Delhi government has raised hopes from the central government and the central government has also increased the quota for Delhi, but the situation is deteriorating due to the increase in the number of coronary patients as the supply of oxygen also takes time.

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