Corona virus variants Epsilon and Lamba may be resistant to vaccines

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Aug 6, 2021: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Corona virus variants Epsilon and Lambda are “variants of interest”, and preliminary studies show that they have developed vaccine resistance.

Japanese researchers have found the Lambda variant of the corona virus, which was originally discovered in Peru and is now spreading across South America, is highly transmissible and more resistant to the vaccine than the initial COVID-19 strain. Researchers warn in an article published on July 28 that it has not yet been peer-reviewed to label Lambda as a “variety of interest” rather than a “variety of concern.” may be downplaying the importance of the problem.

Meanwhile, the Epsilon variant of the corona virus, which was first discovered in California in 2020, is spreading in Pakistan and is proving resistant to the vaccine.

According to a research from University of Washington, the variant is 20% more transmissible compared to previous COVID-19 strains. The study also found the epsilon variant “is said to be almost as highly transmissible as the delta variant, which raged during the second wave of pandemic in India,”

Moreover, this particular corona virus variant has mutations that “give this coronavirus variant of concern a means to totally evade specific monoclonal antibodies used in clinics and reduces the effectiveness of antibodies from the plasma of vaccinated people,” according to the study.

Earlier this week, a study that was published online through biorivix, but has not been peer-reviewed found that the lambda variant of the corona virus has three mutations that make it resistant to antibodies created by a vaccine.

Health officials issued an alert after five cases of Epsilon were discovered in Lahore, Pakistan. Medical experts there believe that  the vaccine resistant strain is endangering vaccinated people as well as unvaccinated ones, adding that the strain is as transmissible as the delta.

Despite these preliminary studies, previous studies have shown that vaccines, including those available in the United States, work against corona virus variants such as delta and other such “variants of concern.” These vaccines prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and offer successful recovery in most cases where the person tests positive for corona virus.

For example, a UK study published in May found that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were 88% effective in preventing symptomatic Delta variant infections and 96% effective in preventing hospitalization.

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