Moderna Vaccine Can Potentially Provide Long Term Immunity

Moderna Vaccine Can Potentially Provide Long Term Immunity

The COVID-19 vaccine produced by the American company Moderna can potentially give people long-term immunity against the disease. 

The company conducted a series of clinical trials, during which this was proved.

According to a statement issued by Moderna, the COVID vaccine developed by them is effective up to 94% in protecting against the disease, and its effectiveness will not dwindle within 6 months after use, nor after the second dose.

In contrast, however, recent data released by companies Pfizer and BioNTech show that the efficacy of the vaccine they develop decreases by 6% every 2 months and by 84% after the second dose.

Both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines are based on mRNA technology.

“The efficacy of our COVID vaccine is 94% for six months, which indicates its long-term effect, but the Delta type is a new variant, and a significant threat, so we need to be careful,” said Stephen Bensell, Moderna’s chief executive officer.

The company said that if the level of antibodies developed by the vaccine drops, people may feel the need to have a booster shot before winter.

This was stated at a time when the world is still discussing the availability of vaccine doses, especially with the Delta variant spreading.

Pfizer plans to apply to offer a third dose sometime in August.

Moderna has issued a separate statement regarding booster shots, stating that it had researched three different shots that produced solid antibody reactions against various Corona variants, including Gemma, Beta, and Delta.

The statement further said that after the third dose, the level of the number of antibodies produced equaled the number produced by the second dose.

The Moderna vaccine was approved for emergency use in the United States in December 2020 and has since been allowed for use in more than 50 countries.

The company’s application for full approval of the vaccine in the United States is expected to be completed in August.

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