Coronavirus: American author believes Nostradamus predicted the virus

Pakistan (18th Mar, 2020): Author, Mackenzie Sage Wright claims French writer, Nostradamus had warned of the COVID-19.

As per scientific data, Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) refers to infections in the respiratory system. Recently, such an infection identified as the COVID-19 has been on the rise, however, the exact origin is relatively unknown. Parallel to the rise of the novel Coronavirus, there has also been an alarming increase in theories put forth by conspiracy theorists who aspire to speculate the reasons behind the globally accepted pandemic.

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According to reports, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared COVID-19 an epidemic on the 11th of March, 2020. Moreover, there have been instances where keyboard warriors have theorized the outbreak to in fact, be a failed experiment by a secret organization. While some have argued that the Chinese authorities were behind it, others claim the hand of the United States given the circumstances of the ongoing trade war between the two states. Many others have argued that the novel virus was initially predicted in the 1981 publication of, The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz who has to his credit books such as Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci Code, respectively.

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Meanwhile, American author Mackenzie Sage Wright has recently added to the ongoing debate. The author who is best considered to be an ‘esoteric expert’ has argued that the infection had been predicated by the renowned Nostradamus, years before its eventual outbreak. While in conversation with MensVariety, the author said that the world had been warned as early as 1555. She added, that “any fool can see that Nostradamus could see exactly what is happening now” in relation to the Coronavirus which started from China’s Wuhan region in late 2019.

Moreover, Wright argued that the global community should not be surprised at the happenings since human beings can “only trash the planet for so long before Mother Nature fights back.”

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Nostradamus or Michele de Nostredame, has over the years been considered as somewhat of a sage, a prophet by the people for “predictions” he allegedly made by means of his books. The 16th Century physician reportedly penned down visions of the future in his Magnum Opus, Les Propheties which was published in the year 1555. Followers of Nostradamus’ teachings have often credited him for rightfully predicting the ‘Great Fire of London’ back in 1666 as well the regime of Adolf Hitler in power. Similarly, Mackenzie Sage Wright has argued that a person would have to be a fool to not understand what is happening.

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However, it is still unclear if the French physicist arguably did publish such a prediction. Specifically because he is known for his four-lined poems filled with vague messages that require detailed, in-depth analysis. In addition to this, despite the fact that the Coronavirus has so far infected almost 135,000 people [as per statistics], and lead to the demise of approximately 5,000 people across the globe, skeptics argue that it cannot be considered a plague.

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Consequently, Brian Dunning who is a science writer has commented that Nostradamus’ poems come under the category of conspiracy theories and not predictions. Moreover, he has argued the accuracy of such predictions. Dunning commented, that most of such quatrains [four-lined poems] were published before the occurring of such events and thereby have no connection as it is mere speculation lacking fact. Dunning added, “Nobody has ever used Nostradamus’ writings to predict a future event in specific terms which later came true”. Therefore, while there may be links in the symbolism present in Nostradamus’ works, hardly any fact provides evidence that there is complete truth to the supposed predictions.

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