Coronavirus: First Lady of Spain tested positive


Madrid, 15th March: According to the reports, the First Lady of Spain María Begoña Gómez Fernández has been tested positive for the coronavirus, raising alarms among their government.

The government of Spain has confirmed the detection of coronavirus in the wife of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez yesterday.


The tests of two of Sanchez’s cabinet ministers, the Minister of Equality and the Minister for Regional Affairs had already come out positive this week. The other cabinet member’s tests came in negative.

Spain had 193 coronavirus deaths and 6,250 cases so far, well up from 120 deaths reported last Friday. Spain put its 47 million inhabitants under partial lockdown on Saturday (March 14) as part of a 15-day state of emergency to combat the coronavirus epidemic in Europe’s second worst-affected country by the disease after Italy.

Spain imposes near total lockdown to fight virus

Meanwhile, as per the report, the American president’s test has come negative which has come as a relief to Trump. Earlier, US President Donald Trump said he has taken the test of coronavirus himself, but had not yet received the results.

In the UK, the number of people infected with the coronavirus has exceeded 800, killing 20 people. More than 2,200 cases of coronavirus have been reported in the US so far and 51 people have died due to COVID-19 so far.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.

US declares emergency as new virus epicentre Europe locks down


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