Coronavirus: Shanghai officials reveal basic transmission modes

China (12th Feb, 2020): Shanghai officials reveal latest updates regarding the novel coronavirus. 

According to the China Daily, the “confirmed transmission routes” include direct transmission, contact transmission as well as aerosol transmission, respectively. As per reports of an official on Saturday, aerosol transmission refers to the “mixing of the virus with droplets in the air to form aerosols”. It was further added that the aerosols can cause infection following inhalation, as confirmed by medical experts.

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Zeng Qun, deputy head of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau stated, that the public has been asked to raise awareness regarding the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus.

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Moreover, experts believe that direct transmission refers to an infection caused by inhaling the air close to a person suffering from coronavirus, who may have sneezed or coughed. Whereas, contact transmission refers to the type of contraction when a person touches an object that may have come in contact with droplets containing the virus thus, transferring it by means of touching his/her mouth, nose and/or eyes et cetera.

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As per the latest update, the Chinese government has urged its residents to avoid any public gatherings, places with open windows, and to practice good personal hygiene. Additionally, they have advised the public to disinfect their homes more regularly.

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Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.


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