Covid-19: Ireland imposes curfew on pubs and clubs as cases rise

Covid-19-Ireland-imposes-curfew-on-pubs-and-clubs-as-cases-rise #Baaghi

Ireland: PM Micheál Martin  announced that the country will impose a midnight curfew on bars, restaurants and nightclubs and other recreational areas from Thursday onwards, as the Coronavirus cases rise in the country.

According to PM Martin, Ireland’s rise in cases is “a cause of deep concern” as he announced a list of new measures aimed at “reducing socialization across the board.”
The measures include a return to guidance that people will now work from home again and a vaccination pass will be required for entrance to theaters and cinemas.
Surprisingly, Ireland has one of Europe’s highest vaccination rates, with 89.1% of people over the age of 12 having been immunized, but the reason why the cases have increased unexpectedly is that its booster program has only been available to those over 60, healthcare workers and at-risk people.
In order to control the situation, the government is trying to offer third doses to those in the 50s and people with underlying health conditions.
Martin has called for a “collective effort” to keep Ireland’s economy open, and pointed towards the “picture emerging across Europe,” where cases are surging and are causing governments to bring in fresh restrictions.
Ireland recorded its highest case number since January last Friday, when 5,483 new infections were reported. Deaths remain at a far lower rate than during its January peak, but are inching upwards.
The county also recorded its second highest rate of hospital admission in all of 2021 this week, according to Martin.
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