COVID-19: Karachi’s positivity ratio climbs to 10.25% amid omicron surge

COVID-19: Karachi's positivity ratio climbs to 10.25% amid omicron surge

Jan 7, 2022: The Federal Ministry of Health said on Friday that with the alarming rise in cases of Covid-19 in Karachi, the positive proportion of cases in the mega city reached 10.25% as 650 people were found infected with the virus overnight.

According to the data released by the ministry, 6,340 tests were conducted in Karachi during the last 24 hours, out of which 650 tested positive and more than 10%. Health ministry officials say the rising number of cases in Karachi is due to the spread of omicron.

“Omicron is replacing the other variants of coronavirus while Delta and Kappa variant cases are declining,” the officials said.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Thursday said that infections from Omicron variant are on the rise, especially in Karachi, where the positive rate of COVID-19 cases is alarming due to the rapidly spreading variety of corona virus. The threshold is increasing, and people are urged to adhere to standard operating procedures.

Sindh CM Shah said that between 28 December 2021 and 2 January 2022, a complete genome of 133 samples was compiled, of which 95 were found to be Omicron, bringing the number of different varieties in the province to 268. He added that some of the cases have a travel history, otherwise most of them were transferred locally.

Meanwhile, overall, 1,293 new infections were detected across the country today, according to figures released by the National Command and Operations Center. The new infection pushed Pakistan’s Covid-19 positivity ratio above 2.5 percent. In the last 24 hours, six more patients have died from the virus while 609 patients are in critical condition.

The death toll from the deaths rose to 28,961, with 239 patients recovering, bringing the total number of recoveries to 1,258,086. According to the NCOC, the total number of COVOD-19 cases reported so far has reached 1,299,848.

Sindh had 173 Omicron cases earlier, and with the emergence of 95 new cases, the number has increased to 268.

Sindh health authority said that two more patients of the COVID-19 died, lifting the death toll to 7,678, which constituted a 1.6% death rate.

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