COVID19 Call Centre Getting over 200,000 Calls a Day


YANGON, Sep 30 (Xinhua/APP): The government-initiated COVID19 call centre has been busy with over 200,000 daily enquiry calls this month, Union Minister Myint Htwe for Health and Sports said Wednesday.

His ministry established a 24-hour call center for enquiries related to the COVID19 pandemic on April 9 during the early stage of the coronavirus outbreak in Myanmar which started on March 23. Currently, a total of 60 healthcare professionals are available to answer the enquiry calls from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm local time and the call centre is running with the auto-answer system in after-service hours, the minister said.

According to the ministry’s figures, the number of daily enquiry calls has risen to over 200,000 this month, from between 30,000 and 60,000 in previous months. The call center received calls mostly from the Yangon, Ayeyarwady, Sagaing, Mandalay, and Magway regions and the Rakhine state so far.

About 43 percent of the calls were from rural areas and the call center also received calls from far-flung areas, the minister said in his message. The daily enquiry calls are believed to have increased in number due to the sharp rise of COVID19 infections in the second wave that hit the country on Aug. 16. It was learnt that the Health and Sports Ministry and the Information Ministry have been cooperating to arrange a weekly question and answer televised program of COVID19 related information for the public.

As of late Tuesday, Myanmar has reported 12,425 confirmed cases of COVID19 with 284 deaths, the ministry’s data showed.

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