Decision to maintain ban on online game PubG: Report


Baaghi TV: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has decided to maintain the ban on online game PubG.

The PTA has taken this decision after a detailed hearing on July 9 in the light of the Lahore High Court’s directive. Other interested parties also attended the hearing. The PTA had sought details of PubG sessions from PubG management, number of users in Pakistan and controls imposed by the company. However, no response was received from PubG.

It should be noted that the Islamabad High Court has reserved its decision on the petition against the ban on PubG Game.

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Justice Amir Farooq heard the petition filed by PubG Company. Lawyers for PubG Company and Pakistan Telecommunications appeared in court.

Petitioner’s counsel contended that we had attended the July 9 meeting of the PTA. The PTA told us about the hearing but when we went there, there was a consultative meeting.

The court remarked that the PTA should have called a psychologist and sought their opinion on the effect. The judge asked the PTA’s lawyer under which provision of the law the game was banned.

The PTA lawyer said that it contained some anti-Islamic material which led to the ban. The court asked where the un-Islamic material was written in the minutes of the meeting?

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