Double Standards of Clerics: Mubasher Lucman


Mubasher Lucman in his recent video on YouTube stresses the need of keeping the mosques closed during Ramadan so as not to further spread the virus.

According to Lucman, Mufti Taqi Usmani, and Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman are being stubborn in announcing the opening of Masajid and Madrasa at a time when it is crucial for us to observe lockdown and eliminate the virus by end of April 2020.

In his video, Lucman points out that the Government has become lenient in lockdown considering limitations of daily wagers and allowing the partial opening of businesses. Mubasher Lucman says that we cant throw caution away and start meetings and gatherings.

It is well known that this virus can stay alive on a surface for one day. All the surfaces are vulnerable to the virus.

The whole world is under lockdown. We must educate people that two will be considered a crowd and it will cause a huge risk of the spread of the infection. It is mind-boggling that our clerics are coming up with the demand for congregational prayers.

For a Muslim nothing is as sacred as Masjid-ul-Haram and Masjid-ul-Nabawi and both are closed during a pandemic. We all know that Taraweeh is Nafal Namaz then why are we risking the lives of millions for our individual benefits?

On the other hand, Mufti Taqi and Mufti Muneeb are now saying that they will offer paryers at home, risking other people’s lives. Who is to be blamed if this pandemic erupts back in Pakistan?

Lucman Speaks up on Pandemic, Saleem Safi and Clerics

Lucman informs us that the carpets in the mosques, the taps for ablution, and then a social gathering for five are all the risks involved but who is to be blamed?

President Alvi, who is a doctor by profession accepted this demand of the clerics which is against any logic. This is a simple suicide and not martyrdom as this is no service of the religion.

Lucman ends his video on awakening the public and asks to spread his message to offer prayers at home, for the safety of themselves and others around them.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more news and updates!

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