ECP accepts apologies by Azam Swati and Fawad Chaudhry

ECP accepts apologies by Azam Swati and Fawad Chaudhry

Dec 22, 2021: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has accepted the apology of Federal Minister for Railways and PTI leader Azam Swati and Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry in connection with a case in which the two ministers conducted electronic voting on the ECP.

The two ministers accused the ECP of accepting money from electronic voting system (EVM) manufacturers.

On Wednesday, Azam Swati appeared before the ECP where he was pardoned and warned to exercise caution in the future. The ECP remarked that all the institutions are yours, it is not appropriate to say bad things about them. Azam Swati and Fawad Chaudhry were warned by the ECP to be cautious in the future. Swati thanked the ECP for accepting the apology.

Swati said that the ECP would make the right decisions regarding EVM and the government would support them to strengthen the ECP. Barrister Ali Zafar, Azam Swati’s lawyer, said he had apologized for what had happened in the past and should now co-operate with the ECP.

The ECP had sent notices to Chaudhry and Swati on September 16, seeking clarification from the two ministers on the allegations against CEC Sikandar Sultan Raja and the commission.

Azam Swati had accused the ECP of extorting money from companies manufacturing electronic voting machines during a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Parliamentary Affairs on September 10.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry had also tendered an apology to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for his remarks in which he had described the chief of the commission as a “mouthpiece of the Opposition.”

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