European Court of Justice marginalizes Muslim women

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The European Court of Justice ruled this week that Muslim women could be fired for wearing the hijab. This offensive decision will further strengthen Islamophobia, further marginalize and isolate Muslim women, and deepen the gap. This decision should be reversed. How is the hijab of a Muslim woman different from the hijab of a Christian nun except that it is for a different faith? It’s ridiculous to tell women that they can wear this way and not that way.

The European Union and the so-called judicial system are waging a war of religion by violating the respect and obligations of other religions, which will lead to an alarming increase in violence. This decision will reverse all efforts for interfaith harmony. I am 99% sure that they will not think that it is acceptable to impose similar injunctions on other religious groups who have chosen to cover their hair (Orthodox Jewish women, nuns, etc.). What if you want to dress modestly and completely and not be a Muslim?

What happened to my body? The European Union’s Supreme Court has ruled that women wearing hijabs or headscarves should be fired if Muslim women work face-to-face with clients or wear religious clothing in the workplace.

EU courts have ruled that companies can fire hijabis if their religious attire causes conflict in the workplace. I wish they were so hard on bigots and racists whose work is the real cause of conflict Islamophobia. Thousands of Muslim women and religious groups have rejected an EU court ruling banning headscarves in the workplace, calling it “discrimination” and “policing Muslim women”.

Muslim women have shared their fears online. Muslims are not the only people who cover their hair for religious reasons. Don’t tell me that Islamophobia is not real.

So where are the big words of the western countries that say ‘women can wear whatever they want’. Guess from this neutrality, it doesn’t include wearing a turban or a cross. Instead of escalating gender Islamophobia and tackling the hatred that targets Muslim women, Europe’s highest court has expressed hatred.

Thank you so much to all the Muslim journalists for covering up and reporting on hate crimes, discrimination, Islamophobia, and everything else. The rising incidence of Islamophobia is a concern, especially in the West, which needs immediate attention from the international community. The EU should be ashamed of their hijab ban! Expressing one’s religion does not limit or alter one’s dealings with customers or affect the way one treats them. It does not neutralize employees in any way, it is bullying and Islamophobic.

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This write-up has been contributed by Zeeshan Jolaha, who is part of the Volunteer Force Pakistan. 

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